Calling All Landlords


Calling All Landlords

The ECO Scheme is available to landlords and their tenants to help bring your property up to the energy efficient standards. In order to be eligible however, your tenants will need to qualify for the grants. Tenants will need to have claimed benefits or reside in a low income, fuel poor or vulnerable household.

Landlords, did you know that you can get MEES compliant without having to spend a fortune?

What is MEES?

MEES stands for Minimum Energy Efficient Standards and is a government legislation which came into effect in 2018. The legislation requires landlords to make their properties to a minimum EPC rating of ‘E’, with talks of a new legislation being introduced in 2025 requiring this to be increased to a minimum rating of ‘C’. Meaning in order to be able to let their properties, landlords must get the EPC rating up to this standard by 2025.

What is the ECO Scheme and how can it help?

The “Energy Companies Obligation is a government energy efficient scheme in Great Britain that helps to reduce carbon emissions and tackle fuel poverty” (Ofgem, 2022). The ECO Scheme aims to provide homeowners, landlords and tenants with FREE insulation & heating measures helping to not only reduce energy bills but the UK’s carbon footprint. This scheme is available to landlords to help them make their properties more energy efficient and comply with MEES.

Is my property eligible?

The ECO Scheme is available to landlords if they have an eligible tenant residing within their property. The ECO Scheme uses a ‘whole house’ approach meaning there are numerous measures available to help increase EPC ratings and energy efficiency of the property. The property must have an EPC rating of D, E, F, G and needs to be increased by a minimum of 2 EPC points after installation. For example, a G property would increase to an E rating, or a D property would then be a B.

Do the tenants qualify for the ECO Scheme?

In order to qualify for the ECO Scheme, the tenant must meet the following:

  • Be in receipt of one of these benefits
  • Working Tax Credit
  • Pension Guarantee Credit
  • Housing Benefit (new eligible benefit under ECO4)
  • Income Support
  • Income related Employment & Support Allowance
  • Income-Based Job Seekers Allowance
  • Child Tax Credit
  • Universal Credit
  • Pension Credit Savings Credit 
  • The property must be their main residence

How do I apply?

To apply for the ECO Scheme, either you or the tenant residing in your property must apply via our website application form and fill in the details requested regarding the property, benefits received and tenure. Shortly after submitting the application a member of the team will be in touch with you regarding the property, and if you’re eligible they will discuss an appropriate time to send a surveyor to the property to assess what measures are required.

As a landlord, it is your responsibility to ensure your property meets the desired MEES standards and that your property is sufficiently energy efficient. We know this can be daunting, but we are here to help, any questions on the ECO Scheme, tenants’ eligibility or the services provided please contact us and we would be happy to talk with you.

What measures are covered by the ECO Scheme?

  • Internal Wall Insulation
  • Room in Roof Insulation (if part of your property has sloping ceilings)
  • Cavity Wall Insulation
  • Loft Insulation
  • Heating Upgrades:
  • Electric Storage Heaters
  • Air Source Heat Pumps
  • First Time Central Heating
  • Green Renewables:
  • Solar PV

How can Landlords benefit from the ECO Scheme?

Landlords can benefit from the ECO Scheme if their tenants are eligible by gaining access to generous funding in order to help increase the energy efficiency of their properties, increase their EPC rating, and meet the MEES standards all for FREE. Landlords could get up to £15,000 in funding towards various energy efficient measures increasing the energy efficiency of their properties.

How can the grant help Landlords?

The ECO Scheme can help to fund significant improvements to your property. Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) are crucial and mandatory to landlords, with the minimum standards set to increase within the next 3 years. This scheme can help towards the costs of improving a properties EPC to the minimum required as well as reducing energy bills and attracting potential tenants.

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